

Beneath here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive with regards to PPI claims which you may find very useful. If you feel that we have not covered any area which you may wish to know about simply just call or send us an e-mail.

Q. How Can Solicitor’s Work For Free?

A. Solicitors can work for free even if you lose your case. To put it more simply NO WIN NO FEE on PPI refunds cases means that you don’t have any financial worries. It is not necessary for you to go to a “middle man” or a “claims company”. It may cost you nothing at all WIN OR LOSE; this is because if court action is taken against the banks then only the solicitors can recover the legal costs of the case.

Q. Should I Go To A Claims Company?

A. It is your own free choice as to however you want to handle your claim. We ask though why put your PPI refund claim to a company who are not Professional solicitors? The majority of times the Claims Companies will refer your case back to us. One of the points of cause we would ask you to be wary of is the “Initial Up-front Charge” some Claims companies may charge to look into your PPI claim. We however, never ask for any up front fee from you.

Q. Do I Have To Pay You Any Up Front Fee’s?

A. Absolutely and completely none. We never charge you any up front fee’s for your PPI claim unlike some Claims management companies. The majority of the time our clients don’t have the finances to pay any up front fees and we certainly don’t want to take any money off them, we don’t need to.

Q. What Can I Claim?

A. As we are your solicitor we can claim back the payment protection insurance (PPI) and also the interest you have paid for. We may also be able to write off the loan which you have taken out; we can do that because if the loan you had taken out falls under the Consumer Credit Act it is more than likely that they are unable to enforce the loan against you.

Q. How Can The Loan Be Written Off?

A. When you take out a new loan for a new car or various other reasons, there are very strict financial regulations which the money lenders and banks have to appreciate. The interest rate applied (APR), total charge for credit and the total amount payable, are just to name a few of the regulations.

  • Payment protection insurance (PPI) has been hugely mis-sold to customers all over the country. A major example of this would be that Alliance-Leicester was fined a massive £7 million for breaches of this policy.
  • As specialists in payment protection insurance claims, we will analyse your claim and all the relevant paper work extremely carefully for errors or mistakes and any form of evidence leading to mis-selling.

Q. Can I Really Have My Loan Written Off?

A. Yes. You may have the loan written off if the Consumer Credit Act must apply to your loan. Providing that the bank or money lender has mis-sold the PPI policy or has even not completed the relevant paperwork correctly you maybe entitled to a pay out.

Q. Should I refuse To Pay The Loan?

A. No, as there are no guarantees with PPI claims. Whilst we here will advise you of your chances of success we strongly recommend that you continue to keep up your repayments.

Q. What Loans Do You Consider?

A. As we are specialist in payment protection insurance we deal with the majority of credit agreements such as, car loans, credit cards and even mortgage payments.

Q. Do I Need A Copy Of The Contract?

A. It is not essential that you obtain a copy, it would make it easier for us but because we are specialists in payment protection insurance we will obtain a copy of the credit agreement from either the bank or the money lender.

Q. How Long Does It Take?

A. The average time it takes to settle a payment protection insurance claim is usually around 6-9 months. However, due to each case being different there can be no exact time limit with these claims.

Q. How Do I Claim?

A. If you have been mis-sold payment protection insurance then you can call us for a confidential and FREE chat on 0800 011 27 57.